
salumi CIMA
Cimaferle is a pretty hamlet of the town of Ponzone, historically the base of the “Marchesato Aleramico del Monferrato”(i.e. a noble family of the area), and now base of the territorial association of the mountainous region of Alta Valle Bormida, Erro, Bormida di Spigno, located in a nice dominant position on the Erro Valley, at the considerable height of 693 metres above sea level.

Plunged in uncontaminated nature, Cimaferle offers panoramas of undoubted touristic attraction, and protects in its small church and interesting group of paintings by Piedmontese painter Pietro Morando.

Unquestioned lord of this land is certainly the traditional Filetto Baciato, but a variety of genuine pork meat productions occupies a prominent position too: their seasoning is characterised by a particular microclimate which confers specific organoleptic aspects to this kind of production.

In Cimaferle there are also an important dairy farming production of delicious goat cheeses, and a confectionery industry. In its woods you can find an abundance of mushrooms, truffles and chestnuts.